“I am so fortunate to have met Saeko to assist me with my personal healing journey. Saeko has a unique gift of connecting to the wisdom of her Higher Self and to describe the experience in words would not do it enough justice as I truly feel one would have to experience it for themself! From my own encounter - I have found the messages she brings forth are like powerful activations, connecting to the heart & soul, that unlocks self-awareness and deep healing at a subconscious level. During my many sessions with Saeko I have always found her calm, supportive and compassionate energy very encouraging and also inspiring to unleash my own full potential. She always creates a safe space to allow me to feel comfortable to open up and explore some of my most vulnerable thoughts and emotions. I have had so many moments of something just “switching on” and as a result I am able to carry the wisdom that she has shared with me to make positive changes to my own daily approach to life. To connect with Saeko is a remarkable life changing experience and one I highly recommend if you are seeking deep healing for yourself or others.
Thank you so much Saeko.”
Chanelle, Australia
“I have had two remote viewing readings with Saeko and one for my 12 year old daughter. I found each of Saeko’s readings to be very in depth, accurate and insightful providing me with the missing piece of the puzzle I needed to heal long held trauma and pain around a particular situation in my life. My daughter was going through a particularly difficult patch which turned around almost overnight after her reading with Saeko. I look forward to working with Saeko again in the future and would highly recommend her!”
Adriana, Australia
“I had just one session with wonderful Saeko. That was all I needed. The issue within me which was holding me back for decades just melted away to become a non-issue. I needed to be brave; now I am brave! That feels so good. Thank you, Saeko.”
Paddy, Canada
"Thank you so much to Saeko for feeling into my situation with not wanting to work in the current" system" again after a 2-year sabbatical away from that. In her intuited advice, she stressed the importance of sharing with friends what it is I would ideally like to do if I have to have a job. She also felt I can ask others for help to achieve what I want. This I did! And it was through one of these friends that I was offered a unique job, working alongside people of like mind who are aware of the veiled reality beyond what most see on the surface. I needed to hear that sharing my desires was important in this situation, because I am typically private and keep these issues to myself. I now am in a situation where my role brings fulfillment, I can discuss deeper topics of life with my colleagues, and I don't have to hide my true self. Saeko is extremely connected to the natural order and subtleties of life, the Earth and Sun. I have met her personally, and she emanates joy, sincerity, humour and genuine care for humanity and all of organic life. I highly recommend utilising Saeko's natural abilities to anyone.”
Jennifer, Australia
“Working with Saeko was a true delight and very inspiring. Her demeanor was warm, humble and very relatable. The readings were very accurate, insightful and profound. She had a beautiful way of using analogies to interpret the information that came through. I had her look into the relationship with my partner and what came through allowed me to see my situation from a different perspective.
I felt really connected with her, in a sense that we were learning from each other. She allowed for a beautiful space to express myself with no judgement.”
Amy, USA
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Saeko did a journeying session for me and I found it incredibly insightful. the reading that came out of it had a depth and wisdom to it, and at the same time, shone a guiding light that helped me to connect to the innermost parts of myself. it is invaluable and I have Saeko to thank for this profound session."
Michelle, Singapore
"Thank you so much for being the Beacon that you are ! It really is that simple, the mind and the heart really are two separate ways of choosing how we want to live. The heart and mind, love and fear, seem so complex but when all is said and done, it is really so this simple. Your 'gift' has helped give me an inner view/vision : ) in feeling and seeing my heart . I have not heard it read or said in quite this way before! Thank you for journeying with me, Seako! Thank you for journeying with me, Seako ! You have a gift my friend, keep going !"
Louise, Australia